- The Software
The “Software” means Action Undo for Jira or any Other Addon any addon or application made by Methoda Computers Ltd. available in the Atlassian Marketplace or any other marketplace or site download, as well as, Methoda's METRO or Methoda's Chrome or Edge Extensions;
- License
Subject to the terms of this EULA and payment of all applicable fees, Licensor grants to Customer a nonsublicensable, nontransferable, nonexclusive license to use the Software solely in accordance with, and during the term of, this EULA and solely for Customer's internal business purposes during the license period specified in Section 6. This EULA shall become effective on the earlier of (i) the date in which Customer pays all applicable fees or (ii) upon first use of the Software ("EULA Commencement Date"). Customer shall select Customer's options for the Software through the Atlassian Marketplace online ordering process (the "Ordering Process").
To Licensor:
Methoda Computers Ltd. 43 Haaliya Hashniya Hashykma 2 Street, Azur, Israel("Licensor")