Add a new button:

  1. Log in to Jira as Jira-administrator

  2. Go to Apps > find “Automation Buttons for Jira”

  3. Select “Add New Button”

  4. Fill in all required information:

  5. When you're finished, select Add 

Update existing button:

  1. Log in to Jira as Jira-administrator

  2. Go to Apps > find “Automation Buttons for Jira”

  3. Select on … at the most right column

  4. choose Edit

  5. When you're finished, select Update

Deleting a button:

  1. Log in to Jira as Jira-administrator

  2. Go to Apps > find “Automation Buttons for Jira”

  3. Select on … at the most right column

  4. If you are sure you want to delete the button, select Delete