C4J - Installation Guide

C4J - Installation Guide

Installing within Jira (Recommended)

It is recommended to install the C4J - Content Display For Jira add-on from the Find new add-ons page within your Jira instance.

To install the add-on, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Jira as an administrator.

  2. Go to the Administration icon and click on it.

  3. Locate Add-ons from the menu and click on it. Validate your credentials if needed.

  4. Click on Find new add-ons and locate C4J - Content Display For Jira via search.

  5. Buy or evaluate the add-on with a free 30-day trial.

  6. A license gets generated and you are to ready to go!

You have installed the C4J - Content Display For Jira add-on.

Don’t forget to install the Confluence 4 Jira Helper on your Confluence instance (follow the same steps in Confluence, search for Confluence 4 Jira Helper).

C4J is compatible with Chrome, Edge, Opera, and Firefox browsers, for secure instances (HTTPS protocol).

Installing from the Atlassian Marketplace

To install, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Atlassian Marketplace page for C4J - Content Display For Jira and select Server from the drop-down at the right.

  2. Buy or evaluate the add-on with a free 30-day trial.

  3. Enter the details on the New evaluation screen and generate a license.

  4. Download the jar file. Now, log in to Jira as an administrator.

  5. Go to the Administration icon and click on it.

  6. Locate Add-ons from the menu and click on it.

  7. Click on Manage add-ons.

  8. Click on and upload the jar file.

You have installed the C4J - Content Display For Jira add-on.

Don’t forget to install the Confluence 4 Jira Helper on your Confluence instance (follow the same steps in Confluence, search for Confluence 4 Jira Helper).


To uninstall, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Jira as an administrator.

  2. Click on the Administration iconNavigate to Add-ons > Manage Add-ons.

  3. Under User-Installed Add-onssearch for C4J - Content Display For Jira and click on it. 

  4. Click on Uninstall.

The add-on is uninstalled from your Jira instance.

Don’t forget to uninstall the Confluence 4 Jira Helper from your Confluence instance (follow the same steps in Confluence, search for Confluence 4 Jira Helper).


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