C4J - Jira User Guide

C4J - Jira User Guide

C4J enables you to Create, Edit and View related content in Confluence pages right from the Jira issue view.

Create a new page

In case your issue doesnt have any linked Confluence page yet, you can easily create one throw C4J Page Preview:

  • Select Space

  • Select parent page

  • Set a title for your page

  • Create!


View the linked page(s)

Once your issue is linked to a Confluence page, you can see a preview of the page throw C4J Page Preview section.

Page preview section functions:

The size of the section can be different between different instances, your Jira administrators can change it.

#1 You can choose which page you would like to view in the main select element. All the pages that are linked to the issue through the mentioned in \ wiki page link will be available there.

With buttons #2 and #5 you can move between the linked pages inside the page preview section. The left button (#2) will replace the current page with the page above it in the list, and the right button (#5) will replace the current page with the page below it in the list.

You can travel through all the issue-mentions on the page with buttons #3 and #4. The left button (#3) will scroll the page up to the nearest issue mention if it exists, and the right button (#4) will scroll the page down to the nearest issue mention if it exists.

#6 You can open a Confluence create screen and create a page which be linked to the current issue.

You can open the original page in Confluence by clicking on button #7, and the page will be scrolled automatically to the location where the issue is mentioned.

You can add inline comments to the page your viewing (just like in Confluence), and respond to existing comments.

Edit a linked page

C4J brings Confluence powerful editor into your Jira issues, without switching apps!



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