JCreate Requirements Tree
The JCreate Requirements Tree provides a structured view of the Confluence space with its pages and the Jira issues mentioned in them, and their child issues for enabling seamless requirements management.
JCreate Requirements Tree ensures clear traceability between documentation and development tasks, including epics, stories, and linked tests. it improves collaboration, transparency, and project alignment by visually connecting requirements with their corresponding Jira issues.
How to access the JCreate Requirements Tree?
To access the JCreate Requirements Tree:
Use the Jcreate Actions Menu that appears under the page title
Space sidebar > Apps > JCreate Requirements Tree
What Issues Are Displayed in the JCreate Requirements Tree?
The JCreate Requirements Tree includes all Jira issues referenced within any page in the Confluence space. Specifically, it displays:
Jira issues added through the Jira Issue Macro, along with their child issues.
Issues linked via the JCreate Requirements Macro, including their child issues.
Issues included using the JCreate Issues Macro, along with their child issues.
This ensures comprehensive visibility of all relevant Jira issues within the structured requirements tree.
Expand and Collapse
Click on the arrows on the left side of the tree item icon to expand or collapse the hierarchy
Expanding an item only expands pages directly under it and the full hierarchy of the issues that are linked to these pages
Collapsing an item closes all items under it recursively
Requirement Issue View
Space Home Page
A page and the issues mentioned in it
Child issues
The source of the issue that is mentioned on the page, can be one of the following -
Jcreate Requirments Macro
Jcreate Issues Macro
Jira Issue Macro
Issue Details Panel
Issue Type
Issue Key
Linked Issues Panel - this section shows the linked issues of the current issue
Link type
Linked issue type, key and Summary
JCreate Requirements Macro Content
Go to Requirement on page
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