Project Specific guide

Project Specific guide

This feature is available from version 2.1.0.

Do you want to enable the Administer Fields dialog for your project administrators but only for some fields regardless of their context? You’re in the right place

Here you can learn how to choose specific fields for a specific project.

In this page


Where to find

To use this feature you have to be a Jira administrator or a project lead.

If you are a project lead and can’t see it, please contact your Jira administrator.

To configure specific fields for a project:

  1. Access the relevant project.

  2. Go to Project settings.

  3. Click on the Administer Fields Configuration button Under Administer FIelds:

You’re good to go!

Enable in project

In order to enable this feature in the project first make sure that the toggle in the top of the page is enabled:

This means that in this project the fields that will appear in the dialog will be only the ones that you choose on this page.

Your selections will be saved even when the feature is disabled in case you’ll want to re-enable it.

Choose fields

Here you can choose the fields you want to give your project administrators access to.

Add fields

Click the Add FIeld button in the top right in order to select more fields to enable. A dialog similar to that should appear:


Select the fields you want to enable from the drop-down. If you don’t see a field in the list, start typing its name to find it.

Click on the Add Selected button in order to add the selected fields.

Click on the Add all in order to add all fields.

Click Close if you want to close the dialog without change.


Now you can see the selected fields in the list below the search box.

Search for fields

You can search for enabled fields in the Search box, just type part of their name and click on the search icon. You can clear the search term and see all fields with the Clear button.

Remove field

You can remove a field from the list (and disable it for the project administrators) using the Delete button in the field’s row.

If you want to remove more than one field, you can mark them using the checkbox near the field’s name and then clicking the Remove button below the search box.

If you want to remove all the fields on the page, just mark them all using the big checkbox above the fields table and then clicking the Remove button below the search box.

If you want to remove all fields, click the Remove All button.

Viewing the fields

By default, you can see up to 10 fields on the page. If you want to change it, you can choose from the drop-down below the Add Field button.

To see more fields, you can use the buttons at the bottom of the page:

For each field, you can see its name, type, and available context. Click the link in the Available Context column to see in which projects this field is available.





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