Use JMacro & Jira Issues Macro Together

JMacro button allows you to create issues in Jira and the Jira Issues Macro will display them!

This is great for:

  • team meetings and retrospectives

  • release notes and customer communications

Add JMacro to your page

  1. From the editor toolbar, choose Insert

  2. Search “jcreate”

3. Define Jmacro parameters

Add Jira Issues Macro to your page

  1. From the editor toolbar, choose Insert

  2. Choose Jira from the Development category.

  3. Enter JQL that matches the issues created from your page : “issue in issuesWithRemoteLinksByGlobalId('appId=<your-app-id>&pageId=<your-page-id>')

  4. Choose Insert

TIP: Configure the Jira Issues Macro to show a list of issues.

You can then publish your page to see JMacro & Jira Issues Macro Together:




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